MMETHANE: interpretable AI for predicting host status from microbial composition and metabolomics data

Work led by Jen Dawkins – see our new manuscript.

Metabolite production, consumption, and exchange are intimately involved with host health and disease, as well as being key drivers of host-microbiome interactions. Despite the increasing prevalence of datasets that jointly measure microbiome composition and metabolites, computational tools for linking these data to the status of the host remain limited. To address these limitations, we developed MMETHANE, an open-source software package that implements a purpose-built deep learning model for predicting host status from paired microbial sequencing and metabolomic data. MMETHANE incorporates prior biological knowledge, including phylogenetic and chemical relationships, and is intrinsically interpretable, outputting an English-language set of rules that explains its decisions. Using a compendium of six datasets with paired microbial composition and metabolomics measurements, we showed that MMETHANE always performed at least on par with existing methods, including blackbox machine learning techniques, and outperformed other methods on >80% of the datasets evaluated. We additionally demonstrated through two cases studies analyzing inflammatory bowel disease gut microbiome datasets that MMETHANE uncovers biologically meaningful links between microbes, metabolites, and disease status.

MCSPACE: inferring microbiome spatiotemporal dynamics from high-throughput co-localization data

Work led by Gary Uppal – see our new manuscript.

Recent advances in high-throughput approaches for estimating co-localization of microbes, such as SAMPL-seq, allow characterization of the biogeography of the gut microbiome longitudinally and at unprecedented scale. However, these high-dimensional data are complex and have unique noise properties. To address these challenges, we developed MCSPACE, a probabilistic AI method that infers from microbiome co-localization data spatially coherent assemblages of taxa, their dynamics over time, and their responses to perturbations. To evaluate MCSPACE’s capabilities, we generated the largest longitudinal microbiome co-localization dataset to date, profiling spatial relationships of microbes in the guts of mice subjected to serial dietary perturbations over 76 days. Analyses of these data and an existing human longitudinal dataset demonstrated superior benchmarking performance of MCSPACE over existing methods, and moreover yielded insights into spatiotemporal structuring of the gut microbiome, including identifying temporally persistent and dynamic microbial assemblages in the human gut, and shifts in assemblages in the murine gut induced by specific dietary components. Our results highlight the utility of our method, which we make available to the community as an open-source software tool, for elucidating dynamics of microbiome biogeography and gaining insights into the role of spatial relationships in host-microbial ecosystem function.